Chasing Waterfalls in Iceland

Iceland waterfalls

Finding waterfalls in Iceland

Waterfalls in Iceland

The waterfalls of Iceland are one of the major attractions of the island and one of the main things you will see as soon as you google Iceland. This is for the reason that they are incredibly breath taking. They are so powerful and the back drop and environment is so raw that it just creates a completely different atmosphere around them compared to so many other waterfalls I have seen. There is so many of them that I am not sure you could visit them all in one trip unless you were there for a month or two and made it your sole goal. It really is easy to find them also, well most of them. Some require a little more effort but due to the nature of our trip we only visited the main ones that we just happened to be passing by. I am not sure if it was intentional or if it is just the way it happened but just driving the road around the island takes you directly past sooo many waterfalls. A lot of them I am not even sure if they are on maps or named because when we pulled over to photograph them there were no signs and not even any real access leading up to them so we had to be satisfied to view them at a distance. Then there is the major ones that you see all over social media. They are all over social media for a reason, the reason is that they are some of the most photogenic places on the planet and it is almost impossible to take a bad photo of them.

Iceland waterfalls

We didn’t really go chasing waterfalls (sorry haha) because we were also trying to find waves and visit a few other things, this coupled with the fact that it was winter and daylight hours were quite short we just had to be happy with the ones we came across on our travels to find surf. Having said that we were in no way disappointed with them at all.

Iceland waterfalls

If you want a slightly more comprehensive guide to finding some of the bigger better ones follow this to more information.

Iceland waterfalls

Iceland waterfalls

Iceland waterfalls

Iceland waterfalls

Iceland waterfalls

Iceland waterfalls


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